Sunday, August 18, 2013


I am seriously behind on blogging. I was reminded of this when my Bro-in-law reminded me I had not blogged his cake. He loves classic marvel comic heroes like most men do. His sweet wife asked me to make him this cake. The cake is vanilla with vanilla buttercream. 
I used a technique of printing out a logo on a cookie sheet, laying wax/parchment paper over the top and tracing it with frosting. Once it was traced, I filled it in. The carefully placed it in the freezer. Once it was totally hard/frozen I gently laid it on my frosted cake and peeled the paper off. 
Ta-da! It worked well and I loved the finished look. 

Cookie Boy

When I asked my little boy what kind of cake he wanted for his birthday, he said, "I want cookie!"
My little cookie monster got his cookie :)
I baked a regular choco chip cookie recipe in a parchment lined cake pan. I let it cool completely in the pan before flipping it out. The carefully flipped it right side up and decorated it with chocolate frosting. 

Minnie Mouse Birthday

My girls LOVE Minnie Mouse. This is why this is my second time throwing a Minnie party. I used a jello frosting I found online for these cupcakes. Though it was easy to frost with, it was not my favorite... I think I'll stick to my buttercream frosting next time :) 
The ears are chocolate melts you buy at the store and the bows are fondant. 

Hanging Monkey

Chocolate cake with buttercream vanilla frosting. The monkey was made with chocolate clay.

1st Birthday Owl

Owls are everywhere! AND they are so cute. I was so excited when asked to make owl cupcakes and a smash cake for a little boys 1st birthday party. 
The owls are fondant decorated with buttercream.
The cake & cupcakes were either chocolate or vanilla with vanilla buttercream.