Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmas for Graham

Each year since moving to Utah, I've wanted to do a gingerbread house for the Festival of Trees. This year I decided to stop putting it off and just do it! If you don't know about the Festival of Trees all things made and donated are then auctioned off and all money is donated to Primary Children's Hospital. 
Thank you Centaurus Financial for purchasing my gingerbread house!
Our cousins were blessed with a sweet little baby boy, Graham Jacob. He was only able to be here on Earth with them for about six months. His life was spent in Primary Children's Hospital having surgeries, recovering and trying to 'Be Brave' and strong. 
He was a smiley, sparkly blue-eyed, boy that brought lots of love and joy to his family. 
Graham, this one's for you!
 H & J

 Graham and Claire building a snowman, having a snowball fight, and playing in their 'snow fort'.
At the Festival of Trees.

Old as Dirt

 Red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. Decorated in chopped chocolate and gummi worms.
Additional cupcake for the party; vanilla, chocolate and carrot with cream cheese frosting. 

Happy 60th Vern! I hope it was a great day!!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

White Rosette

A vanilla cake with vanilla butter cream.
 In honor of my daughter's B.F.F.S.B.'s (best friends forever, since birth) baptism day.
 It is so fun to see these girls grow up so quickly! 


Lori's wedding cake:
Bottom layer- Chocolate cake with chocolate butter cream filling
Middle layer- Lime cake with coconut filling
Top layer- Lemon cake with cream cheese & blueberry filling

Lori's cupcakes:
chocolate & vanilla cupcakes with vanilla butter cream frosting
and lime cupcakes with coconut butter cream frosting

 All the best Lori!


For Amy's official cake:
Bottom layer- Vanilla cake with white chocolate & raspberry filling
Middle layer- Red velvet cake with cream cheese filling
Top layer- Chocolate cake with milk chocolate mousse filling

For Amy's Open House:
Red Velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting
Lime cupcakes with coconut frosting garnished with toasted coconut (my new favorite!)

Congrats Amy!

Sunday, August 18, 2013


I am seriously behind on blogging. I was reminded of this when my Bro-in-law reminded me I had not blogged his cake. He loves classic marvel comic heroes like most men do. His sweet wife asked me to make him this cake. The cake is vanilla with vanilla buttercream. 
I used a technique of printing out a logo on a cookie sheet, laying wax/parchment paper over the top and tracing it with frosting. Once it was traced, I filled it in. The carefully placed it in the freezer. Once it was totally hard/frozen I gently laid it on my frosted cake and peeled the paper off. 
Ta-da! It worked well and I loved the finished look. 

Cookie Boy

When I asked my little boy what kind of cake he wanted for his birthday, he said, "I want cookie!"
My little cookie monster got his cookie :)
I baked a regular choco chip cookie recipe in a parchment lined cake pan. I let it cool completely in the pan before flipping it out. The carefully flipped it right side up and decorated it with chocolate frosting. 

Minnie Mouse Birthday

My girls LOVE Minnie Mouse. This is why this is my second time throwing a Minnie party. I used a jello frosting I found online for these cupcakes. Though it was easy to frost with, it was not my favorite... I think I'll stick to my buttercream frosting next time :) 
The ears are chocolate melts you buy at the store and the bows are fondant. 

Hanging Monkey

Chocolate cake with buttercream vanilla frosting. The monkey was made with chocolate clay.

1st Birthday Owl

Owls are everywhere! AND they are so cute. I was so excited when asked to make owl cupcakes and a smash cake for a little boys 1st birthday party. 
The owls are fondant decorated with buttercream.
The cake & cupcakes were either chocolate or vanilla with vanilla buttercream.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Pheasant Cake

 Vanilla cake, vanilla buttercream, marshmallow white chocolate fondant, and some gum paste.
 Hand sculpted and painted pheasants and eggs.

 Camouflage vanilla cake.
Happy Birthday to my sweet hubbs, love you babe!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


This is a three-layer chocolate wedding cake with vanilla buttercream, decorated with scalloped petals.
Congrats Kailey & John! 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

PB & C cake

I made this cake for a YW fundraiser/auction. 
The cake is double chocolate, covered in creamy peanut butter mousse, and slathered in fudgy milk chocolate ganache, topped with peanut butter mousse rosettes. 
Holy Cow! I so did not want to send this but keep it for myself :) 

Fudgy Ganache:
1 cup chocolate chips
3 T butter
3 T cream
*Melt butter and chips over double boiler, then add cream. Mix until smooth. Enjoy!
This is also great over ice cream.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Kitty Cake

This was a fun cake to make. The couple wanted a kitty cake....not Hello Kitty! 
The cake was chocolate with vanilla butter cream, covered in Marshmallow fondant. I've made marshmallow fondant before and absolutely hated it! I tried a new recipe on (I pinned it on Pinterest if you follow me) and it was pretty easy and tasted great! The cats and "yarn' are also the marshmallow fondant. It holds itself up pretty good and wasn't bad to work with at all!

It's a ...

I made these as a gender reveal for my Bro & SIL. When you bit into the cupcake there was a baby blue filling....It's a boy! So excited for my newest nephew to come! Congrats to you both. 
( I had a picture of the blue filling showing, but I cannot find it anywhere!! grrr)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Value Cupcakes

I was able to use my airbrush kit to create some 'valued' cupcakes.
 Each value leads up to the temple.
 Cute party favors.

 Fun centerpieces.
Colorful table decor.

The Salt Lake Wilford Stake asked me to make the cupcakes for their General Young Women's broadcast dinner. Each cupcake decorated in the color of the YW values:
Faith: White
Divine Nature: Blue
Individual Worth: Green
Knowledge: Red
Choice & Accountability: Orange
Good Works: Yellow
Integrity: Purple
Virtue: Gold

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Spring time

Worlds largest cupcake!
Just kidding. It's a regular cupcake in a terracotta pot, ready for a place setting at the Easter dinner table.
 Baby blues for the bride-to-be!