Thursday, March 4, 2010

Flour Snob!

I have officially become a flour snob! First it started with powdered sugar, I didn't believe my neighbor Jill when she said name brand makes a difference, but it does!!!!!! Then I ran out of my good flour, which came from Cortez Milling Co. and I went and bought a bag from my neighborhood wholesale warehouse, it was horrible! I mean it works ok, but it was clumpy and dense, just not good. So I decided after trying some name brand grocery flours, and warehouse flours that Cortez Milling Co. is the best! I'm not just saying that either. I bake a LOT and flour makes a big difference... I've decide it's time to return to Cortez and stock up on some serious flour. My cakes are not the same without it! ps last time I was there, we got these cute vintage looking flour them:)

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