Monday, October 26, 2009

scrumptious pumpkins!

A while ago I made these pumpkin mini cakes and they are not very clear because they were scanned in from a hard copy picture. (Before we went digital.) They are two mini bundt cakes put together with a twix for a stem. I don't remeber what kind of cake I used, but who care we all know chocolate would've been the best ;)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Cookie Bouquet

Yet another heart surgery that needed some cookies. Healthy Heart Diet: 1. Lots of love, 2. Room for more love, 3. AND the best sugar cookies you've ever had ;)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pumpkin Birthday

A jack-o-lantern or not? This was a yellow cake with a chocolate silk filling (Thank you Heather), with some reeses pieces added in, covered in buttercream and then fondant. If you look closely you can see the smile actually says Happy Birthday Amy. Hope you had a great night Amy!

Peace cupcakes

These were the chocolate mini cupcakes that went along with the cake.