Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Carrot Cake

This was a carrot cake for a RS birthday party we had at church. Very moist with crushed pineapple added and cream cheese frosting topped with chopped pecans, mmmmm!

A lot of people signed up to make cakes, and I thought I wouldn't do anything to fancy...

I didn't want to feel like a show-off!

Silly me, my cake was probably the least fancy one there!

How cocky of me to think I'm the only one I know who can decorate a cake and make it look store bought. The cakes there were all beautiful & delicious.

I award the best looking cakes there to:

Lisa Chin, because I have a bias to the cake she made ;)
Markae Evans, even though she bought it- it deserves and award for looks & taste!
AND the top award goes to....
Jaime Anderson for her Lemon Cake, it was amazing...candied lemon slices on top, wow!

Krispie Love

I made these for a few great men in my neighbor hood that served in my church as a thank you from the kids.

They were actually pretty easy. I made my usual rice krispie recipe, sprayed a heart shaped mini cake pan generously, pressed the rice krispies in it and then turned out the treats onto wax paper. Then I melted some white chocolate & drizzled it back and forth across the hearts. Way easy to do and cute!

Purple, purple, green

My neighbor wanted to re-decorate her daughter's room to make it a little more teenager-ish, and they picked out green & purple. Here are a few projects they did to make the room. She asked me to make pillows & curtains to match.

Here are the pillows(the purple ones with the buttons),

the curtains are missing a few finishing touches so I'll post them later.

St. Patty's Day Cake

Everything's better with fresh strawberries!

It was supposed to be green but it turned out more like a neon yellow!

Lime cake for the greenest day of the year! It was so moist and delicious.

Fashion Forward

My pillow cases

Curtains to match (sorry it's dark)

A close up of the material, I love the print!

So I recently went back to school this semester... it's been fun but challenging! I thought I would go and get an Associates of Business so that I could further my cake decorating business. I changed my mind, though I will still do cakes - it will be more of a hobby and maybe later a small business.

I changed my degree to a certificate of Fashion Design. I am so excited, I can't wait to start the classes. I like to think of it as becoming a master seemstress. I have already sewn many projects. My blog will now consist of my sewing/design projects as well as my cakes & desserts. Here is a picture of a small one I did a while ago in my bedroom. Since it is ridiculously expensive to buy a bedding set and have your room match, I thought I'd do it myself little by little.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

45 Great Years!

Since I live 2000 miles from my parents I will dedicate the picture of this cake to my Mom & Dad. ( I actually made this for someones anniversary a few years ago when I first started doing cakes) This Saturday is their 45th Wedding anniversary. AND since I can't be there to make something awesome for you I will just award you this cake instead ;) Cheesy, I know!
I love you Mom & Dad thanks for all you've done for all 6 of us!!!!! Wish I could be there to celebrate. Happy Anniversary!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Candy Coated

It's been a while since I've baked just for fun. I found a cute idea in a cake book from the library the other day and decided I would have some fun with it. I made a chocolate cake, and some chocolate frosting. I cut the cake into individual squares, frosted each side and layed each side in candy pieces. Three different flavors, Andes mints, Butterfingers, and toffee pieces. They were very rich! The toffee was really sweet & crunchy, the Andes mints were creamy and smooth, and the Butterfinger was just a little crunchy and it was probably my favorite. It took me a while to cover the sides of six little cakes, so after a while I just did the tops, they turned out great too!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Red Velvet Cake

This seems to be the popular flavor lately, but I will say it is probably my favorite. (It does have chocolate in it. ) My mother-in-law actually baked it, and asked me to make it look cute for a dinner party she was having. I love the swirled frosting look! By the way, it was sooo yummy!

Flour Snob!

I have officially become a flour snob! First it started with powdered sugar, I didn't believe my neighbor Jill when she said name brand makes a difference, but it does!!!!!! Then I ran out of my good flour, which came from Cortez Milling Co. and I went and bought a bag from my neighborhood wholesale warehouse, it was horrible! I mean it works ok, but it was clumpy and dense, just not good. So I decided after trying some name brand grocery flours, and warehouse flours that Cortez Milling Co. is the best! I'm not just saying that either. I bake a LOT and flour makes a big difference... I've decide it's time to return to Cortez and stock up on some serious flour. My cakes are not the same without it! ps last time I was there, we got these cute vintage looking flour them:)